The Burnt Out Therapist

Someone has asked me what it was like to be a therapist in 2020, and especially now, during the Election limbo.

This pretty much sums it up. I need a (shaken, not stirred) drink with Xanax infusion and a magic brownie on the side!


My brain is fried to a crisp. It’s very very difficult to address politics without actually talking about politics, as it can never be a part of any therapy session. Or rather, patients have no problems talking about politics (and that’s all they do this week in particular), but I cannot comment on it in any way. So, instead of blurting “can we all chill the fuck down and find some momentary zen?”, I rely on The Holy Spirit, Baby Jesus, pixies and fairies, and all other otherworldly deities to help me stay calm.


Why is everyone thanking doctors, nurses, grocery workers, and delivery guys this year, but nobody’s thanking therapists?!

We need some TLC right now!