Almost Wordless Wednesday – We ❤️ NYC

Kid and I had a nice outing on Saturday even though my weather prediction wasn’t completely accurate and it rained for half a day. We still had fun though working two cameras with two different lenses (juggling umbrellas so the camera wouldn’t get wet while also trying to take pictures was often like an acrobatic act, but we managed).

We shoot over 200 pictures between the two. I posted a few on Instagram. That time when professional photographers start complimenting your (very) amateur pictures. 😊


NYC looked a bit somber overcome with rain, but, beautiful as ever.



Fearless boats were working, rain or not.



But then, the sun came out and illuminated all the cherry blossom trees.



And, Brooklyn streets at dusk shined with different colors. It was so beautiful, Fuhgeddaboudit! 😍



New York, we ❤️ you even in the rain!
