Highlights from 2016

We’re saying goodbye to 2016 today, so let’s do a quick review about the last 12 months.

96 posts were published in 2016, including this one today. Some posts had recipes and other ones were either fun or inspirational posts. 4 of my recipes were featured on The Daily Meal site that I was invited to join this year, and 2 of those recipes were also published on MSN Food.

Below are top 5 viewed recipes from this year. I’m happy to report that 3 out of these 5 are Russian/Ukrainian recipes. I hope you visit and make them one more time.

Seafood Linguine with Mushrooms and Spicy Almonds Bridging into Summer


Ukrainian Apple Pie Holiday Mix Up


Russian Olivier Salad with Lox  From Gourmanoff with Love 


Russian Stuffed Cutlets with Eggs and Scallions Seeking Substance


Hazelnut Amaranth Coffee Crumb Cake A Timely Snack
