Feeling Royal On Sunday Morning

It’s Sunday morning, that blissful time before the weekend mood will slowly turn into pre-work week preparations, so all you want to have is “nice and easy” breakfast, no drama, and actually maybe just not much talking at all. It’s a perfect time to greet the morning sun and sit with your cup of coffee, catch up on last night’s internet gossip or finish the book you were too tired to read all week.

Well, not if you have a teenager in a house, who decided that this morning he’d be a royal pain in the a**. Whatever happened to his hormones in the past 9 hours while he was in bed, it better snap right back where it came from. As this mama is on a mission to remain nice and mellow today 🙂

And what could be a better mood “picker-upper” than a nice breakfast?! Especially the one made by mom as that is the food sprinkled with a special ingredient, LOVE!

Even if they are pain in all possible places 🙂


What’s Cooking This Sunday Morning

What could be nice and easy and yet sophisticated enough to satisfy the royal highness of a brat who woke up in my son’s bed this morning?! This recipe features all your breakfast favorites stacked in a nice way to have one glorious bite of a full flavor immersion.

Breakfast Napoleon


1-2 large potatoes,  skin intact, cut into thin slices lengthwise

1 large tomato, cut into slices

3 eggs

3 slices of prosciutto (or bacon, or ham)

herb chèvre 

butter and olive oil

fresh herbs

salt, pepper, spices


Lay out 2 baking sheets with foil or parchment, spray them with oil spray and arrange potato slices on one sheet and tomato on the other. Lightly season each slice, brush with olive oil and bake at 400 tomatoes for about 5-8 minutes and potatoes for about  18-20 minutes.

Once they’re cooked, melt some butter in a frying pan and make the eggs, sprinkle seasoning and fresh pepper on top.

Arrange the Napoleon by placing potato slice on the bottom, spread some chèvre, then tomato, another potato slice with chèvre, then prosciutto.


Top each stack with an egg, garnish with fresh herbs and coarse freshly ground black pepper.


Hope it will satisfy the royal pains in your house as it did mine  🙂  Enjoy!
